Supported Career Opportunities Network (SCON)

Supporting The Path You Choose!
Work Is Recovery!

Need Reliable Employees? SCON can Help!

Many local businesses are finding it difficult to fill their staff with reliable employees. Taos County Supported Career Opportunities Network (SCON), managed by Recovery-Friendly Taos County, was created to help with these issues. We are requesting Taos County businesses embrace this opportunity as a means of obtaining reliable employees. This letter is a brief summary of the program, as well as a request for contact information in order to share referrals or provide other services. 

The SCON services are designed for adults with substance use disorders (SUD) and/or mental health issues, and disabilities, to obtain and maintain employment. Included in the program will be recovery coaching, counseling, treatment, and drug testing. The focus for participants is on acquiring the skills to achieve employment and become productive citizens and employees. Supported employment can serve as a strategy for systemic change for adults with SUD and/or mental health issues and disabilities by helping to break the cycle of poverty and support and sustain recovery.

Recovery is Good for Business!

The supported employment model has been found to produce better vocational outcomes than comparative programs, such as prevocational programming, sheltered work, and transitional employment. Specifically, the clients in supported employment programs were more successful in achieving competitive work, working more hours and earning higher wages (SAMHSA, 2009).

text block Recovery is Good for Business

The Recovery-Friendly Taos County (RFTC) staff will provide the following services to program participants:

  • Job and Career Coaching
  • Assessment of abilities, interests and values
    • Career interest inventory and exploration
  • Writing resumes and cover letters
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Conducting job searches from active job listings (We are requesting your contact information to assist in their search)
  • Providing support and referral to high school equivalency and internship programs
  • Providing support and referral for higher levels of education
  • Providing support and referrals to job shadowing and job training opportunities

Come in or call for an assessment appointment today (575) 303-5125

412 Sipapu Street, Taos, NM 87571

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9am – 3pm, and by Appointment

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