Recovery-Friendly Taos County

Promoting a recovery-positive environment with freedom from substance abuse

Una Vida Buena y Sana | A Good and Healthful Life

Recovery-Friendly Taos County

412 Sipapu Street

Taos, NM 87571

(575) 213-6002

Office Hours

Mon: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Tues: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Wed: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Thur: 11:00am – 4:00pm

Upcoming Holiday and Office Closures:

Labor Day – Monday, September 2, 2024


About Recovery-Friendly Taos County

Recovery-Friendly Taos County (RFTC) was formed in 2012 in accordance with a larger national and statewide effort to create Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC). It was a challenge that required ongoing collaboration and cooperation between consumers and families, community leaders, advocates, and a range of professionals from healthcare, social service, and criminal justice organizations. 

The goal is to foster a recovery-positive environment that welcomes those new to recovery into the community, capable of providing meaningful assistance as they seek to transition from a life dominated by substance abuse or mental health issues to a stable, lasting, self-motivated recovery.


Recovery-Friendly Taos County envisions a community that promotes freedom from Substance Abuse by mobilizing individuals and community resources to overcome stigma, provide access to services, and support individual, family, and community recovery. “Una Vida Buena y Sana – A Good and Healthful Life”


Our mission is dedicated to promoting a recovery-friendly community through network development of supports, opportunities, access to services, education, and information. We are committed to reducing the barriers created by stigma and replacing it with hope and wellbeing.


  • Hope
  • Diversity
  • Choice
  • Meaningfulness
  • Acceptance
  • Inclusion
  • Citizenship
  • Partnership Working
  • Mutual Respect
  • Empowerment
  • Person-centered
  • Believing In People

Principles of Recovery

  1. There are many pathways to recovery
  2. Recovery is self-directed and empowering 
  3. Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need to change and transformation 
  4. Recovery is holistic
  5. Recovery has cultural dimensions
  6. Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness
  7. Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude 
  8. Recovery involves a process of healing and self-redefinition
  9. Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma
  10. Recovery is supported by peers and allies
  11. Recovery involves (re)joining and (re)building a life in the community
  12. Recovery is a reality and alive and well in Taos County

Association of Recovery Community Organizations

RFTC has been a Charter member of Faces & Voices’ Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) since 2013. ARCO encouraged individuals and families in recovery to speak out and be heard about issues of importance to them. RFTC has been actively involved in this initiative as well. 

Recovery Together Celebration

September 24, 2023

Kit Carson State Park

Taos. NM

Recovery-Friendly Taos County

(575) 213-6002

412 Sipapu Street
Taos, NM 87571

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